Part 52: Episode 5: Part 8: Rhue's outta control.
Episode 5: Part 8: Rhue's outta control.

BLOOD LYN: I'm sure you'll manage. It isn't that bad, and you'll only be held here for tonight.
Consider it a form of house arrest.
In the morning you'll be released if you are as harmless as you seem to be.

Hopefully whoever is in charge here is smart enough not to make an enemy of me.
Not helping your case jackass.
BLOOD LYN: Everything will be sorted out in the morning.

BLOOD LYN: Relax, it has been put into a secure chest outside this room.
We understand the importance of such an item to all Lyn. Trust me, no one will lay a finger on it.

BLOOD LYN: Get some sleep, we will be back for you at that time.

Rhue and his unhealthy attachment to his sword...

VOICE: A sssympathetic ear. Tell me, whatsss the matter?

Lyrra begins pacing as she speaks.

VOICE: Sssome one prettier?

VOICE: Thatsss how men are, hon.

VOICE: Ssstories aren't real. They're jusst a fanciful recreation of that which isss real.
The romantic, ssself sssacrificing man isss a fraud. Don't you sssee?

VOICE: Any ssstory with a happy ending isss jussst wisshful thinking. There isss no happily ever after.

VOICE: Ssstop ssseeking fufillment (SIC) through othersss. It's jussst a wasste of time.
Don't cry anymore dear girl. Your boy isssn't worth your tearsss.

VOICE: He isss a man. A man! Don't be a fool!

VOICE: Iss it?
Then, this is said very slowly.
Isss it really?

Note: Music still needed...

There's a crashing sound as the Phantom Slasher bursts through Rhue's door. It quickly retreats.
Note: Rhue may question later why Phantom Slasher
busted down his door. Was it to save him?
Was it looking for someone?
Bolded comments are notes from Lun left in the code. This comment actually technically comes before the One Hour Later message but I didn't want to ruin the surprise, and it merely goes over what Rhue already thinks immediately after. Anyway, there wont be too many of these notes... for now.

The door is open... I think I'll be leaving now.

You don't know anything...

He WANTS to fall for this.

(Can this be true?)

And Rhue opens the cell door...

So here's our four new Transcendental Weapon Auras. They're all... very powerful. And you learn new XLIFEs from them from word Go.

Meanwhile for patterns, we got the full set of elemental patterns all at once.

Dust Bowl is the only really great one there, I think.
Also uhh. I'm going to quote a very annoying and stupid thing straight from the walkthrough.
All of Scatha's moves should be familiar from Episode 3 except for The Woman Within. When Scatha
uses this, she will lose the skills Disconcert, Poisoned Blade, and Death Blow. She will instead
gain Moderate Mend, Moderate Mass Mend, X-Life Transfer, and Revive. So basically you get to
choose whether Scatha is a fighter or a healer. Scatha's attacks have the attribute Weapon:
Ripping and Oneness: Flesh and have a 5% chance of causing instantaneous death. Scatha is immune
to poison. When Scatha shifts her Aura to "Woman Within", there is a 1 in 49 chance that you
will receive a HEART STONE. This is a very annoying Heart Stone to obtain.* Note that you'll
have Scatha for 55 battles, and that after the Carsavoran there will be exactly 49 battles. If
you use The Woman Within once in every battle, you should pick up the Heart Stone. Luck could go
either way though.
*At the time of writing (January 22, 2005), there are a few bugs with obtaining this Heart Stone.
Firstly, when fighting the Carsavoran, there is a 1 in 21 chance of success instead of a 1 in 49
chance. Secondly, there are some battles where, if you successfully obtain the correct random
number, you will get the message saying you have received the Heart Stone, but you won't actually
receive it. If this happens, you will be unable to obtain the stone because the game thinks you
have already gotten it. These battles are any battles that include one or more of the following
enemies: Lapizua, Slaughterbug, Payutac, Hack Jaw, and Forest Fang.
THANKS LUN. Well. 3 HP isn't that much at this point.

We blender our way through a bunch of these fights.


And that's Soul Glow maxed out, so lets start on the Elemental patterns. I go with Dust Bowl since Prone is the single most annoying status affect. At least Stun and Numbness usually wear off quickly. Prone usually errs on the side of needing 4+ turns.

The men leave.

You aren't the girl Rhue has been looking for.

You know sssomething, yet you continue to withhold it from him... You're sssick.

Have you enjoyed hiss relentlesss pursssuit of you? How romantic it mussst have ssseemed.

You don't care about anyone except yourssself.

You see, when I found the pendant... there was...
Dirk and Rhue return with perfect timing, but I bet you can roughly guess what Cetsa is implying.

The music switches back to a generic dungeon theme and we continue on.

Woo. Anyway that door on the right takes us to...

This is probably one of the harder boss fights in the series, one of the longer ones too. It's not that hard, but I lost my first attempt due some bad luck AND trying to get Scatha's Heart Stone. The second try I won easily. Still didn't get the Heart Stone though.
It has a flame breath that inflicts burning, a move called Dragon Eyes that paralyzes a single target and a move called Ground Stomp that hits everyone and inflicts PRONE!!!! Also it's Tail Swing is nasty. The best tactic is to get Dirk to use Dust Devil to keep it blinded as much as possible, while Rhue uses Hurricane Blade or w.e it's called to inflict prone as much as possible. Also Scatha on healing duty.

Dust Bowls Prone defense would've been really handy, if I'd thought to equip it beforehand. Oops.

"Killing... Such is the way of evil... but also of justice."
Don't you even fucking start guy.

And mighty Kalmar also once lacked a faceset.

However, the Blana Sera have instructed me to offer you a deal.
If the four of you battle it out amongst yourselves, the lone survivor will be allowed to leave this Battle Grounds.

As I said, the lone survivor can leave.
Otherwise you will all die rather pointless deaths.
Now do as you will. I will be back in the morning to check on your "progress".
Let it be known, if any Blood Lyn harms these people, without just cause, they will be put to death.
Kalmar leaves.

Murdering usss in our sssleep would not be below you!

"You work this out amongst yourselves, heh."

Scatha paces back and forth all night. And you can see Cetsa's eyes are open.

I honestly can't remember for -sure- if this woman had her faceset in older versions or not. I think she did, unbelievably enough.

"This one goes to the Shadow Inn."

It functions as promised.

MAN: Yea, I heard you were looking for information to help you find a certain someone?

MAN: I overheard this guy named Jed talking about some stuff that you had mentioned to me.

MAN: He might have some information that would prove to be useful to you.

MAN: On the other side of town. He has a shack just east of "the Scene".
It's up right near the southeast corner of the city wall.

MAN: No problem.

The city's still completely fucked up and on fire.

VOICE: Who is it?

VOICE: Rhue?! Come on in!

It's good to see you again, Rhue!


She had a pretty tragic past you know.
She's the only known survivor of the Landorin massacre.
Why can Lun consistently spell survivor correctly but has misspelt surprise like 90% of the time?

... My son... I'm sorry, it's hard to talk about.
From that day on she began to become a little storyteller.
She's quite the dreamer.
But that's okay as long as it protects her from those awful memories she must carry.

It was a good story, and many people circulated it as the truth, but...

There were footprints, and lots of blood, but following them led to nothing.
It was awful. I don't think we'll ever know the truth of what took place that stormy night.
Did you have any other questions Rhue?

Rhue gets up and leaves, but...

The Message of Darkness remix plays here...
Note: Scatha - Pacing.
Note: Dirk - Asleep
Rhue - Asleep
Cetsa -Lying down, but awake.
Not sure why this note is -here-. Would've made sense earlier.

"Don't any of you value your life enough to fight for it?"

We're not as dumb as you might think.

Kalmar leaps down and Rhue intercepts him in the blink of an eye.

Rhue starts flashing blue again, and then nails Kalmar with what looks like an arc of electricity. Kalmar hits the wall.

There was always a lot of debate about just what this word is. And there still is.

Kalmar jumps right back out of the pit. lol.

... Rhue... just jumped out too.

Kalmar turns to flee and Rhue starts killing.

As Kalmar WAAAAALKS up to this building and into a door, we can hear the clashing of swords, lots of stabbing and slashing sounds as Rhue goes completely fucking apeshit slaughtering Blood Lyn. The camera keeps panning up even after he heads inside though...

I think literally our entire surviving main cast except Gaius and Kloe are in this one Battle Grounds right now.
Anyway, in the beta versions of this episode, this event had this note in it.
Note: -
Note: I thought about killing Rhue here and ending the game. Just because
I'm feeling so sick and I don't think I'll be able to finish with the real ending...
Note: -
the end